Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chocolate and Toffee Crackers with Maldon Salt

I love Mondays.  Everyone might be suffering the Monday blues, but I'm enjoying it.  It's my day off, usually, and it's also the only time  I can find to do something productive, let's say cooking.

I'm not saying that the rest of the other days weren't that productive.  It's just that usually after getting off of work that I'm so exhausted that I can't get myself to do anything else.

A few days ago, I made a Chocolate and Toffee Crackers with Maldon Salt, with the recipe I found on *Simply Scratch*. It's super easy to make and it only requires 5 ingredients.  The Maldon Salt in this recipe really balances out this little treat.  You'd think that it's going to be really sweet, but once you get that small piece of salt in your mouth, it mellows out the sweetness.

Chocolate and Toffee Crackers with Maldon Salt
Box of Crackers
1 cup of Butter
3/4 cup of Brown Sugar
1 cup of Dark/Bitter Chocolate
Maldon Salt

Before anything else, preheat your oven to 350F.  Chop up your butter into small chunks so that it melts faster.  Place your chopped butter in a sauce pan together with your brown sugar.  Whisk your it until the brown sugar has been fully dissolved. 

While still whisking your mixture, to avoid the bottom from burning, let it reach to a boil.  Once the bubbles start appearing, take it off the heat so that it doesn't further reduce.  I've reduced it so much before that once it cooled, it felt like I was eating a piece of rock.

Place an aluminum foil on your baking sheet.  Spray it with a bake spray or just brush it with some melted butter for more flavour.  After brushing or spraying your foil, line up your crackers close to each other on the sheet.

Pour your toffee on the crackers and spread it all over.  An offset spatula would be the tool of choice for this task but a regular spatula will fare well.

After spreading your toffee, sprinkle your chocolate chunks on the crackers.  Place it in the oven for around 5-10 minutes, just enough to let the chocolate melt.

After 5-10 minutes, take it out of the oven.  Just like the toffee, spread your melted chocolate all over and let it cool for a bit at room temperature.

Once it's cooled down, sprinkle your Maldon salt(Coarse salt, fleur del sel or kosher should work here as a substitute.) on top.  Don't go crazy or it'll taste like eating very salty chocolate crackers.  Place it in the fridge for 30 minutes so it solidifies.

You can keep these small treats in a tightly sealed container at room temperature or in the fridge.  Serve and enjoy this with a cup of coffee or tea.

1 comment:

  1. what a great blog! I`m so happy I found it! Here is so many inspirations and I love it! <3

    Have a nice time,
