Saturday, March 05, 2011

Crab with Mixed Herbs, Creme Fraiche and Phyllo Napoleon with Tomato Vinaigrette

Earlier tonight, I made dinner for my folks.  I made them Pork chops with apples and onions sauce.  Bleh!  I didn't like it at all but my parents said that it was really good.  That made me scratch my head.  Were they just being nice?  Maybe.  Eventhough I confessed to them and said, "I don't like it and I'm going to throw it away unless you guys want it", they gave it a try and they loved it. 

They must be just being nice to me.  I love my parents.

Here's a dish I did on Tuesday.  Saw it in one of my cookbooks that I've purchased.

1 very ripe Tomato
olive oil
1 sheet Phyllo Pastry
2 Avocados
1/3 cup of Whipping Cream
1 spoonful Sourcream
Lemon juice
Salt and Pepper

1.  Preheat oven to 300F
2.  Cut out 2.5" diametre circles from your phyllo sheet.  Place it on a bake tray lined with a baking sheet.  Bake for 3-5 minutes.
3.  Chop up your crab meat and mix it with a chiffonade of basil and some chopped cilantro and toss it in olive oil.  Season to taste.
4.  Dice your tomato and squeeze out the juice through a fine sieve.  Mix this with a few drops of lemon juice, a 1/4 cup of olive oil, salt and pepper.  Mix well.

5.  This will become your pseudo avocado creme fraiche.  Whip your cream until soft peaks have formed.  Fold in your sour cream.  Add your avocados and puree.  You should end up with a mascarpone like consistency.
6.  Serve and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Lloyd, these are so beautiful, pieces of art! Thank you for your visit to my blog. Looking forward to getting to know you and your work better!
