Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Pan Fried Prawns with Almonds, Thyme and Browned Butter and Garlic Puree

So on monday, I woke up quite early after sleeping for almost 12 hours.  I decided to go to SuperStore(this is the equivalent of a smaller Costco) at 8am and do some grocery shopping for my next "projects". 

I've been reading a couple of cookbooks and saw 3 recipes that caught my eye.  Each dish had a similar ingredient in them, namely phyllo and prawns.  I thought to myself that this might be a great idea to kill 3 birds with 2 stones and save a lot of money on ingredients.

Here's what you need for this recipe:

Jumbo Prawns
Sliced Almonds
4 Cloves of Garlic
1/2 a cup of Whipping Cream
Olive Oil
Lemon Juice
Salt and Pepper

Note:  Everything else doesn't have a measurement and is done to taste.

1.  Place your crushed garlic in sauce pan of cold water and boil.  Once it boils, discard your water and cover your garlic with cold water again and repeat.  Do this 3 times.  This will help mellow down that strong garlicky taste(boiling it in milk once also works too).
2.  After discarding your water, add your 1/2 cup of cream to the pan and let it reduce on medium-low heat.  Season to taste.
3.  Once reduced, take it off the heat and let it cool.
4.  Onto the prawns.  Season it with salt and pepper.
5.  Heat your pan and add olive oil.
6.  When your pan is hot, add your prawns.  Cook it for about 30-45 seconds.
7.  Add your almonds and thyme leaves and cook it for an additional 1-2 minutes the most.  Be careful not to overcook your prawns or burn the butter.
8.  Serve and enjoy.

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